The Basics

The main goal for Vue Smart Table is to be intuitive to use while offering powerful features out of the box.

To achieve this we mix Vue Components and vanilla HTML Elements with the output being the same as a traditional HTML Table. This will allow you to easily customize your tables with CSS or with a framework such as Bootstrap or Foundation.

For our examples we decided to use Bootstrap and Font Awesome, but you can use whatever your heart desires.

Here is the code for the simplest table you can create:

import users from './users.json'

export default {
  name: 'TheBasics',
  data: () => ({

  <v-table :data="users">
    <thead slot="head">
    <tbody slot="body" slot-scope="{displayData}">
        <tr v-for="row in displayData" :key="">
          <td>{{ }}</td>
          <td>{{ row.age }}</td>
          <td>{{ }}</td>
              {{ row.address.street }}, 
              {{ }} 
              {{ row.address.state}}
Name Age Email Address
Deana Lindsay 25 268 Garnet Street, Chicopee Pennsylvania
Wyatt Kline 39 234 Irwin Street, Irwin Maine
Harmon Huber 29 913 Gerritsen Avenue, Nash American Samoa
Penny Maddox 29 218 Agate Court, Sandston Oregon
Morgan Gomez 39 632 Highland Avenue, Tuttle Connecticut

Table Component v-table

The v-table component is the main element of Smart Table, here you will provide most of the configuration and listen for events. But for now we will just focus on the data attribute.

Data Property data: Array

Each v-table requires a data property, it must be an array even if it is initially empty. Each entry in the array represents a row in the table.

It is important to note the array will not be mutated by Smart Table, internally it will create a shallow copy of it to perform the operations.

The head slot is for the table thead, other than specifying the slot name with slot="head" there is nothing special about this. You just need to provide vanilla th elements for each of your columns.

<thead slot="head">

Body Scoped Slot body

The body slot is for the table tbody. This is a scoped slot which provides a displayData property.

Display Data Slot Scope displayData: array

The display-data property provided by the body scoped slot is a shallow copy of the data array provided to the v-table component.

This array has all the plugins applied to it, for example, if filtering is enabled, this array will only contain the rows that pass the filters.

You will want to use a v-for directive to render the tr elements, remember, each entry in the display-data array represents a row.

<tbody slot="body" slot-scope="{displayData}">
    <tr v-for="row in displayData" :key="">
      <td>{{ }}</td>
      <td>{{ row.age }}</td>

All right, this is the simplest table you can create, but right now Smart Table is effectively doing nothing you might as well just use a vanilla Html Table.

Keep browsing to discover how powerful Smart Table is out of the box.